Device Support Wizard
I am a student
(or a parent of a student)
I need help with:
This Chromebook:
is owned by Oakland Unified School District
it is etched with the district logo
it was loaned to a student for home use
it must be returned to the student's school at the end of the school year for promoting students or if the student leaves the district (refer to end-of-year instructions for more details)
This Chromebook:
was provided by #OaklandUndivided
it is etched with #OaklandUndivided logo or was issued by TechExchange
was gifted to the student for home use
it will not be returned, it is to keep
This hotspot:
is owned by Oakland Unified School District
was loaned to the student for home use
it uses T-Mobile as a service provider
it must be returned to the student's school at the end of the school year for promoting students or if the student leaves the district (refer to end-of-year instructions for more details)