Grade 10
English Language Arts
In our 10th Grade English Language Arts curriculum, students explore the theme of the individual in society, considering questions such as, “What is the tension between being an individual and being a member of a community/society? How can being part of a community protect us? Harm us? What, if any, responsibilities do we have to our community? Why? What responsibilities does our community have to individuals?” Building upon the knowledge and English Language Arts skills they’ve developed in previous years, students deeply engage with complex texts through both independent reading and guided Close Reading, prepare for and engage in longform whole class discussions including Socratic Seminars, and write multi-paragraph responses to Essential Questions by gathering evidence and effectively communicating their thoughts.
Our three focal units for 10th grade are:
Tenth grade students enrolled in Geometry will develop their math content knowledge with a problem-based approach using the Illustrative Mathematics curriculum. Each day's lesson is organized around a larger theme for the unit, and Geometry students will study the following units:
• Constructions and Rigid Transformations
• Congruence
• Similarity
• Right Triangle Trigonometry
• Solid Geometry
• Coordinate Geometry
• Conditional Probability
Family materials with unit narratives and sample problems can be viewed here.
Students in high school will be working to complete a sequence of required laboratory science classes aligned with the a-g requirements. These typically include a sequence of biology, chemistry, and physics, as well as one or more science electives such as biotechnology or physiology. Your student's counselor will help them identify a sequence that is aligned with college requirements as well as their individual interests.
History - Social Studies
In history, students will be continuing to develop their skills for engaging in evidence-based historical inquiry. In tenth grade, students are focusing on modern world history and their teachers will be prioritizing adapted lessons from among the following units:
The World in 1750
1750–1917: Revolutions Reshape the World
Industrial Revolutions
The Rise of Imperialism and Colonialism
Causes and Course of World War I
Effects of World War I
Rise of Totalitarian Governments after World War I
Causes and Consequences of World War II
International Developments in the Post–World War II World
Nation-Building in the Contemporary World
Economic Integration & Contemporary Revolutions in Info, Tech, and Communications
You can read more about the details of each unit, such as the overarching questions that frame each, as well as highlighted projects and performance tasks here.