Internet Access
How to Get a District-Loaned Hotspot
District-loaned hotspots are provided to students in grades 3-12 that meet the following criteria:
1) Parent indicated in Data Confirmation (registration) that their student does not have home internet access, AND
2) Student does not already have a hotspot checked out to them.
If you feel that your student meets the criteria or you have questions about the status or process, please contact your school for more information.
Getting Help with an #OaklandUndivided Hotspot
They can help you if you have issues with:
Connecting to the network
Device is not working or turning on
They can also help students with their hotspots and with improving digital skills as they offer workshops for students and families
Phone (Call/Text): (510) 866-2260
Address: 2530 International Blvd, Oakland, CA 94601
Hours: Wednesday - Saturdays 10am-4pm
No appointment is necessary
Use the resources below to learn more about how to connect to the internet.
Pro-Tips for Troubleshooting Hotspots
Problemas con su Hotspot: Consejos
#OaklandUndivided & Content Filtering One-Pager (English, Spanish, Cambodian, Arabic, Vietnamese, Chinese)
Instructional Videos
How to Connect Your Chromebook to a Hotspot
Cómo Conectar su Chromebook a un Punto de Acceso Personal
An important update is the OUSD Student Wifi Access Map. Locations on this map correspond with select OUSD school sites and they feature a WiFi network called OUSD Chromebook. Signal strength has been turned up at these locations, and families can drive up to one of the sites and connect. This WiFi service is for those families who do not have a viable internet option at home or who just need to connect to a stable and robust wifi signal. OUSD Chromebooks will automatically connect to the network. We will continue to add more sites based on results and requests from the Google Form survey available in the map description.