
English Language Arts

EL Education is the provider of the OUSD ELA curriculum for grades K-5,.* The curriculum is standards-based, and relies heavily on fiction and nonfiction trade books. This curriculum is open access, and full materials are available to view and at the EL Education website

* OUSD Dual Language schools use the Benchmark Education curriculum for language instruction.

Module 1

Toys and Play

What can we do to make playing together fun?  What makes toys fun? Which classroom toy do we prefer and why? 

Module 2

Weather Wonders

What is weather? How can I be prepared for any type of weather? What is weather like around the world? How does weather affect people? How can I write a story that teaches my reader about weather?

Module 3

Trees Are Alive

What do all living things need to live and grow? What do researchers do? How do we know that something is living? How do living things depend on trees to meet their needs?

Module 4

Enjoying and Appreciating Trees

How and why are trees important to us and our communities? How can we inspire others to appreciate and enjoy trees?


Eureka Math2 (Eureka Math "Squared")   is the adopted OUSD curriculum for elementary schools.  The curriculum is aligned to California Common Core standards, which describe what students should know and be able to do in each subject in each grade.


Module 1
Counting and Cardinality

English | Spanish

Module 2
Two- and Three-Dimensional Shapes

English | Spanish


Module  3
English | Spanish

Module 4
Composition and Decomposition
English | Spanish


Module 5
Addition and Subtraction
English | Spanish

Module 6

Place Value Foundations

English | Spanish


For elementary science instruction, OUSD uses FOSS (Full Option Science System), a research-based science curriculum developed at the Lawrence Hall of Science, University of California, Berkeley. This curriculum emphasizes hands-on activities and is aligned to Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). The order of the three modules varies from school to school, depending on the rotation of physical science kits at each school site.

Physical Science

Family Resource: Materials and Motion 

What is made of wood, paper, and fabric, and how are the properties of those materials useful to us?

How can we change the motion of an object?


Earth Science

Family Resource: Trees and Weather

What do trees need to live and grow?

How does weather affect trees?

What changes do trees cause in their surroundings?


Life Science

Family Resource: Animals Two by Two

How are animal structures similar and different?

What do animals need to live and grow?
