Grade 8

English Language Arts

Secondary English Language Arts teachers will be focusing on the 11 highest priority standards for student learning we have identified. This priority instructional content selected represents the standards most foundational to ELA instruction: 

The 11 priority content standards are:



Speaking and Listening


Though these standards are common across all secondary grade levels, instruction will be aligned to the corresponding  grade-specific level of performance articulated in the common core standards.

Eighth graders will be developing their knowledge and skills in these areas in part through their work with grade-level, complex text, which may include:  

A more detailed overview of the priority content your eighth grader will be learning, along with sample units illustrating the kinds of activities they will engage in may be viewed here.


In eighth grade, students are continuing to develop their math content knowledge with a problem-based approach. Each day's lesson is organized around a larger theme for the unit, and eighth graders will study the following units:

Family materials with unit narratives, videos of lesson summaries, and sample problems can be viewed here. 


In eighth grade, students are continuing to developing their knowledge of the natural world through our FOSS curriculum. Students will engage with the concept of processes that change Earth’s systems at different spatial scales today also cause changes in the past. The five units of study are:  

You can read more about these units here

History - Social Studies

In history, students will be continuing to develop their skills for engaging in evidence-based historical inquiry.  In eighth grade, students are focusing on United States history and their teachers will be prioritizing adapted lessons from among the following units:

You can read more about the details of each unit, such as the overarching questions that frame each, as well as highlighted projects and performance tasks here.