Grade 12

English Language Arts

Starting in January 2025 teachers will have the opportunity to pilot updated Fishtank ELA curriculum. In the Spring of 2025 12th grade teachers will select units in common for full implementation in the 2025-26 school year. 


Twelfth grade students have a number of options for their math course.  Possible courses include math analysis, statistics, calculus. Your student's counselor will help them identify a sequence that is aligned with college requirements as well as their individual interests. 


Students in high school will be working to complete a sequence of required laboratory science classes aligned with the a-g requirements. These typically include a sequence of biology, chemistry, and physics, as well as one or more science electives such as biotechnology or physiology. Your student's counselor will help them identify a sequence that is aligned with college requirements as well as their individual interests. 

History - Social Studies

In history, students will be taking one quarter of Government, and one quarter of Economics. Their teachers will be prioritizing adapted lessons from among the following units:

Government Quarter:

Economics Quarter:

You can read more about the details of each unit, such as the overarching questions that frame each, as well as highlighted projects and performance tasks here.