#OaklandUndivided Chromebook

Is it broken when you try to use it?

Fixing a software issue

Software Issue

I can't login

The screen is dark

My mic does not work

Camera isn't working

The audio is strange or doesn't work

Can't use Zoom

Things to Try:

Need Support?

Text, call or visit Tech Exchange (multilingual service is available)

If Tech Exchange Cannot Fix the Device:

Step 1: Return - Please return the broken or damaged devices to your school's main office. 

Step 2: Replace - Your school's front office staff will be provided a replacement district-loaned device within a week if you either 

(1) communicated a need during Registration, or 

(2) you update your Authorizations in Aeries Parent Portal for the computer question (see directions below)

Is it physically broken so you can't use it?

Fixing a hardware issue

Hardware Issue

The screen is broken

Keys are missing or broken

It doesn't charge

Object is stuck in a port

Weather damage

Water damage

Step 1: Return - Please return the broken or damaged devices to your school's main office. 

Step 2: Replace - Your school's front office staff will be provided a replacement district-loaned device within a week if you either 

(1) communicated a need during Registration, or 

(2) you update your Authorizations in Aeries Parent Portal for the computer question (see directions below)

Do you still have it?

Reporting a lost/stolen device

Lost or Stolen

It's no longer in my possession

Step 1: Report- Inform your school's front office that the Chromebook has been lost or stolen

Step 2: Replace - Your school's front office staff will be provided a replacement district-loaned device within a week if you either 

(1) communicated a need during Registration, or 

(2) you update your Authorizations in Aeries Parent Portal for the computer question (see directions below)

Receiving a Replacement: Updating Authorizations


For your child to receive a district-loaned replacement, you may need to update your Authorizations in the AERIES Parent Portal.  For the question, "Does your student always have access to a computer at home for schoolwork?" you must respond "No".  

Need Help? 

You can follow the guide below or contact your student's front office for help.

Guide to Parents Updating Data Confirmation